🌈title:🌵Gymnocalycium friedrichii_緋牡丹
🪣Material: Acrylic on wood canvas
🖌Technic : Semi 3D Yoshikazu artworks
🎨Artist:Yoshikazu KAJIKAWA
💻Official URL:https://yoshikazoo.com/markstyle-2024/
アクリルガッシュ・アクリルガッシュ ラメカラーシリーズ・アクリルガッシュ ルミナスシリーズ
🌵Cacti come in a wide variety of species and sizes. I’ve improved in expressing the succulent nature of cacti and have learned to depict their spines using techniques that suit them well.
Unlike real cacti, these creations require no water and will never wither! (laughs) I hope to create more cacti in the future.
“We put a lot of care into the craftsmanship of the flower pots. 😊”
🌵선인장은 다양한 품종과 크기가 있습니다.
선인장의 다육함을 표현할 수 있게 되었고,
가시를 잘 표현할 수 있는 기법도 익혔습니다.
진짜 선인장처럼 물을 줄 필요도 없고, 절대 시들지 않아요! (웃음)
앞으로 선인장 작품을 더 많이 만들고 싶습니다.
“화분의 세공에도 신경을 많이 썼습니다. 😊”
ℹ️展示のご案内⚠️Notice of Special Exhibition Eventℹ️
現在も常設販売が継続中の【MARK’STYLE 麻布台ヒルズ】様にて8月24日より最新作の展示企画イベントが約1か月の期間、開催されます。
▶︎We are pleased to announce that the special exhibition event showcasing our latest works will be held at MARK’STYLE Azabudai Hills, where our permanent sales continue. The event will run for approximately one month starting on August 24th.
▶︎As this is an exhibition and sale, we encourage you to visit before the works are sold. The exhibition promises to be highly impressive.
🏙️MARK’STYLE (マークスタイル)麻布台ヒルズ
🗾東京都港区麻布台一丁目3番1号麻布台ヒルズ タワープラザ4F
🚃東京メトロ南北線『六本木一丁目駅』2番出口 徒歩4分
▶︎ Exhibition Store Name
🏙️MARK’STYLE _ Azabu-Dai Hills
▶︎ Open hours
▶︎ Location
🗾4th Floor, Azabu-Dai Hills Tower Plaza, 3-1-1 Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo
▶︎ Access
🚇Directly connected to Exit 5 of Kamiyacho Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
🚃4-minute walk from Exit 2 of Roppongi-itchome Station on the Tokyo Metro Namboku Line
#サボテン ##cactus #アクリル絵画 #植物 #art #展示 #アート作品 #ターナー色彩 #希少作品 #半立体色彩画 #希少価値 #多分私しかやってない #多分わたししかやっていない #Aiには描けない #AIには負けない #GymnocalyciumFriedrichii #緋牡丹 #선인장 #다육식물 #식물키우기 #인테리어 #취미생활
Gymnocalycium friedrichii_緋牡丹
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